I have always thought of September as the New Year. I’m not a student anymore but still, it seems like a good start to the year no matter who you are. Seasons changing, kids going back to school, all kinds of classes and projects are starting, and summer vacations are coming to an end. Even though September is clearly a ‘fresh start’ kind of month, January gets the official New Year. My hubby calls January the New Year Do Over. It’s your chance to make all of the promises to yourself you made in September come true. It’s a chance to start the new year over again. Let’s face it, a lot of us need this do over as life tends to get in the way of big, well layed plans a lot of the time.
With the New Year at Urban Yarns it’s time for some new classes. Time to learn something new, finish an old project, or brush up on some ‘lost’ skills. Our instructors at UY are fantastic (if I do say so myself). Sandra is teaching our Beyond Beginner class on Thursdays. In this class you can bring your own pattern choice (usually a sweater or garment of some kind) and Sandra will talk your through it. She’s something of a knitting therapist really….. Sandra teaches this class on a regular basis because she’s just so popular! Hilarious and layed back, I highly recommend miss Sandra as a teacher!
If you’re looking to learn lace (and I think everyone should, there are an absolute ton of techniques involved in lace that transfer over to all kinds of knitting) why not learn from someone who knits it pretty much all the time? That person is Alison. She must have knit hundreds of beautiful lace pieces, many of which are haning in the shop. She’s got so many lacey class options you’ll have to check out our class list to see them all!
We’ve also got miss Amanda teaching the new Mitten Bootcamp. The popularity of the Sock Bootcamp has been to overwhelming that we thought we would take that idea and apply it to mittens. In sock bootcamp you learn to knit a sock in 3 hours by knitting a tiny little sock. You learn to knit in the round, turn a heal, pick up a gusset, and decrease for the toe. Once you master the mini sock you can start in on a big pair of socks with confidence. Well, look out socks, here comes mittens! Amanda will teach you all the mitten techniques you need to know so you can move on to making a warm wooly pair of people sized mittens.
These are just a few of the clasees we will be offering in the new year so check out the full list here!