Posts Tagged ‘Viking Alpaka’

New Years Resolutions

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

New years resolution time here are UY and all the ladies are making knitterly promises to themselves. We all have different goals, some to try something new, some to return to projects of old, and some to persevere through projects that have thwarted them in the past. We all have plans for the fresh new year, what is your knitting goal?


Kynna and I are returning to our Reindeer Sweaters. We originally started these beauties quite some time ago along with Amanda and Anina. We all worked out of different yarns and started at the same time but only Amanda and Anina finished theirs up. Both are absolutly stunning and they are so different. Anina knit hers up in the luxurious Viking Alpaka for her daughter (although they do share and Anina’s sweater is in the shop for viewing). Amanda knit hers up in the Viking of Norway Naturgarn. I love her colour choices, it makes a very traditional pattern into something modern and trendy, classic Amanda! So with all this inspiration around us, Kynna and I will return to our versions of this sweater, mine is in Dream in Colour Classy and hers is being knit up in Cascade Eco Wool.


Jan and Kathleen WILL be returning to their Fiddlehead Mittens. With these popularity of these little items sweeping the shop the two decided they should get on the bandwagon and see what all the fuss is about. They made it pretty far but seem to have gotten themselves stalled somewhere along the way. With such beautiful yarn (Blue Sky Alpacas Sport for the outside and Brushed Suri for the inside) they can’t leave them unfinished!

Amanda is comitted to finishing all 2010 projects by March 1st. This is quite the goal as she (along with most of us, let’s be honest) has dealt with a battle or two of startitis! I’m sure I’ll be keeping everyone posted with her frequent FO’s (finished objects). One of the most intersting resolutions I have heard this year is also from Amanda: no pressure knitting. This is interesting because I sometimes feel like pressure and deadlines are some of the only things that make me finish some projects. There are just certain things I lose steam on and need a little pressure to break through. Amanda is sick of late nights and her resolution is to plan ahead and avoid the birthday, shower, and holiday rushes. I think this is a great plan, perhaps plotting your knitting well in advance is the way to maximize your knitting enjoyment!