  • Sandra’s Show and Tell

Have you met Sandra Dunkin, one of our popular instructors? She teaches the Aran Block of the Month, Beyond Beginner Knitting and some other fabulous classes.

Sandra is one of the most amazing knitters I’ve ever seen in action. I chatted with her one evening, glass of wine at her side and watched in awe as she knit a complicated cable cardigan, her needles clicketty-clacketting away at warp speed. I guess it’s her Maritime blood and that great tradition of Maritime fisherman’s knits. Reminds me of a great quote from Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News:

“This driver used to barrel right across Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, had his arms sticking through the steering wheel, knitting away like a machine. Had a proper gansey knit by the time he got to Montreal, sell it for good money as a Newf fisherman’s authentic handicraft.”
“Might as well,” said Benny Fudge. “Happen to know what he got for one?”
“No, but I can tell you about the time buddy was ripping along down the Trans-Canada knitting about as fast as the truck was going when this Mountie spied him. Starts to chase after him, doing a hundred and forty km per. Finally gets alongside, signs the transport feller to stop, but he’s so deep in his knitting he never notices.”
…”Mountie flashes his light, finally has to shout out the window, ‘Pull over! Pull over!’ So the great transport knitter looks at the Mountie, shakes his head a bit and says, “Why no sir, ’tis a cardigan.”

But I digress, back to Sandra. Sadly there are no photos of Sandra, however, there are photos of her most recent projects. Check out this cardigan, knit with Rowan 4 ply soft, a design from a Rowan magazine a couple of years ago:

Isn’t it awesome? I begged Sandra to gift it to me for Christmas, to no avail. Apparently there was a more worthy recipient.

Sandra also knit this cute ensemble for her friends’ new baby. It’s a Sublime design, knit with Baby Cashmere Merino Silk DK:

Too cute for words really.

Sandra was a happy girl yesterday as she left the store with a big bag full of Scottish Tweed DK for her next project. We’ll keep you posted…

And before we sign off on the last post of the year, we give a huge thank-you to the Urban Yarns community of knitters and crocheters for your continuing suppport and enthusiasm. We couldn’t do it without you. We hope you have a Happy New Year full of good health, much joy and many inspirational knitting and crochet projects!

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