  • Koigu and More

Our second box of Koigu finally arrived. We now have all of the colours used in the beautiful Babette Blanket. We also have some gorgeous new multi shades of both PPMerino and Kersti.

A crocheter (We’re I’m sometimes a bit slow on the name-gathering issue, sorry about that..) came in yesterday who has already whipped up one Babette and is onto a second bigger blanket for her daughter. She’s going for a more muted effect this time. It’s fun to compare and combine colours for such a wonderful project.

I recently knit the Big Bad Baby Blanket from Stitch and Bitch with Koigu PPMerino:

The blanket’s at our Point Grey store if you want a closer look. We have so many new colour options, I’m tempted to knit another. This is an easy mindless project that’s perfect for simple zen knitting or while watching a movie or helping with homework (not so zen). This time I’d try knitting with one strand of a semi-solid together with a strand of a coordinating multi-colour for a more serene colour effect.

Our friend, Natalie, also loves to knit with Koigu. She’s an amazing knitter who creates her own stunning designs with Kaffe Fassett as her inspiration. She’s definitely developed her own style and her projects are always incredible jaw-dropping works of art. This is her latest Koigu creation:

The photo doesn’t really do it justice, this blanket is unbelievably beautiful.

Speaking of artists, we’ve just received a fabulous new collection of handcrafted glass buttons and ring & stick pins. We were blown away by this artist at TNNA and just had to partake. These are gorgeous accent pieces that would be the perfect finishing touch for so many different projects. Photos will follow…

We’ve put lots and lots of new stuff on the shelves this week. I love the fresh, lively colours that come with the transition from Winter to Spring, like the tangy orange, peach, lemon and plum shades of Grignasco Infinity we just received. And we have some fun new colours of the Be Sweet Magic Balls:

There are zesty Spring colours bursting out all over the place.

Rain, rain go away…

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