This week it’s Rowan Biggy Print at 50% off the regular price. Biggy Print is a super-chunky 100% merino wool yarn with a variegated thickness:
It’s the penultimate quick-knit yarn, you won’t find many others that will knit up faster than this one. It comes in striking colour combinations and would be perfect for a cozy scarf or hat for winter. Try these Super Bulky Mittens for Women. Or Kim Hargreave’s Shrug with Garter Stitch Trim:
It’s from her recent book, Heartfelt. We’re smitten with all of Kim’s recent books. We’ve just put Thrown Together and Nectar back on our shelves. And we’ll soon have Kim’s latest collection, Amber. Looks like another winner…
Hmmm…if it’s the penultimate yarn…what’s the ultimate?
Biggier Print!