Remember the Mr. Greenjeans Knit-Along at the Edgemont Knit Nights? Six ladies are knitting this great cardi and Teresa recently sent us a photo showing the progress to date:
That’s Teresa, Lita, Karen and Jess, proudly displaying their partially finished cardigans. Nice work ladies! The other two knitters are also well on their way but were absent that night. Teresa went on to write:
“This is the best knitting group I have belonged to over the years! Jessica is the most patient person, and very encouraging. The other knitters are interesting people as well. Thanks for supporting these meetings – they are just great!”
We’re glad you’re enjoying our Knit Nights, Teresa, thanks for dropping by! Sadly next Tuesday, May 26, will be the last Edgemont Knit Night for awhile, we’re going to take a summer holiday break. We plan to resume Edgemont Knit Nights in September. Wednesday evening Knit Nights in Point Grey will continue indefinitely.
We’ve received several more great emails lately, we love receiving your feedback. We feel compelled to share the following email from Melody in Ontario as it so aptly describes the fiber addiction fondness so many of us share:
“I just thought I would let you know that my Fleece Artist bundle of joy arrived on the weekend, and I’m absolutely delighted with all of it! Thanks so much for going to the extra trouble of getting me your list of colours, and then packing up such a lovely parcel. I really have no idea what I’m going to do with all of it (right now I’m just displaying it on my coffee table and doing a lot of fondling), and even though I may have bought more yarn than should be legal in one year, I’m tempted to return to your sale list for a few more skeins…”
Thanks Melody, we had fun packing up your parcel and we’re glad you’re enjoying your yarn.
We also send thanks to “the other Leslie” in Ontario, for several happy emails. Leslie recently wrote:
“Thank-you so much for all your excellent service. I’ll be sure to tell all my knitty friends… I have been beyond delighted with Urban Yarns – so nice to find such a great shop that offers some amazing prices and is Canadian to boot. You’ve been getting more of my $$ than Elan – now that’s saying something. Like it or not, you guys have got me for life.”
Thanks for the kind words Leslie.
We also love to find great bargains. Whenever possible, we buy quality yarns at great prices and pass the discounts on to our customers. Have a look at all of our current specials right here. And be sure to have a look at our Happy Anniversary Sale list for bargains galore…