  • A Perfect Day of Knitting


Well, the weather is getting cooler and I am back to knitting! Yesterday was a most lovely day for it and I thought I would really make the most of it. I made it my perfect day of knitting.

Everyone has their favorite yarn, a yarn treat if you will! For me, my personal fave of the moment is the Blue Sky Alpacas Worsted Hand Dyes. The yarn has a nice twist for some beautiful stitch definition and theĀ  combination of alpaca and wool is super soft. It’s a thickish yarn (16 stitiches per 4″) so it knits up quick too.

The pattern I chose is something that’s been hanging out in my pattern stash for quite some time: Baby Bobbi Bear. There are a load of Blue Sky Alpaca samples in the store right now and I was re-inspired to knit it up. I was also feeling a little left out of the toy knitting crew, so I decided to follow the crowd too.


A perfect day of knitting is nothing without a cup of tea and something sweet. So I settled into my knitting spot on the couch with a cup of Earl Grey and a slice of Key Lime Pie and got to knitting! It was a perfect day.

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