There is a big new yarn in town (and I mean that rather literally) and it is Twinkle. ‘Tis’ the season for warm, chunky, chic knits and a super soft new yarn to knit them in! Last year (and who are we kidding, this year too) it’s been a rush to decide what to knit in our bulkier yarns. Fashionable and fast is an excellent last minute gift combination.
Blue Sky Alpaca Bulky (which is used in the two cute patterns above) is a fave, along with the washable Spud and Chloe Outer. The new kid on the block is Twinkle. Twinkle is a Classic Elite Yarn, one of the newer lines at UY, and it is like butter to touch. Mmmmm, just thinking about Twinkle yarn, big bamboo needles, and some coco with marshmallows makes me smile.
Twinkle is one of those charming single ply yarns that knits up to about an 8 stitch gauge on 15mm needles. What is a single ply yarn, you may ask? Why it’s a yarn that looks kind of like it came straight from the sheep, no spin to it at all. Twinkle is 100% wool but it’s hard to believe that when you feel it, it’s more like 100% cloud. There is also a great new book for Twinkle, full of chic knits, you can check out the contents here.
Of course, what would big yarn be without a one skein project? Here’s a link to a free Ravelry pattern for a lovely one skein cowl called Marian. Sarah has knit one up in the shop in the Malabrigo Rasta, but I’m knitting mine up in some plummy purple Twinkle.
As you might know, we have a lot of samples hanging around the shop. Some samples come to us from the various yarn companies we carry but the vast majority of them are knit by the lovely ladies in the shop. A little while ago UY was approached by a movie company wanting some hand knits for their movie. We were happy to oblige, who wouldn’t want their knitting on TV? Well, the show airs this Thursday, December 16th at 9 o’clock and it’s called “On Strike for Xmas”. I’ll be tuning in to see my knits in action!
Tags: Bulky, Classic Elite, Cowl, Marian, Twinkle