  • A Few More Tools

Well, back by popular demand is a few more tools. It seems that sorting out which tools might be useful for which project gives people some trouble. It’s also nice to find out about a tool that might make (or sadly, have made) your life easier.


First up is the row counter. I had a debate with Emily a few months ago about the merits of the row counter. Her argument was that it was easy enough for her to count up her rows, why bother with a little click? I had to respectfully disagree. It’s not that I can’t count my rows and read my knitting but sometimes it’s nice not to have to. I also definitely have trouble counting my rows when it comes to cables. It always looks like I’ve completed enough rows and I get tired of finding out I needed two more only after I’ve done another inch of knitting. I also enjoy the satisfaction of a little click when I’ve accomplished another row or round. Just lovely.

There are 2 types of row counters pictured above. The smaller one fits on the end of your straight needle and you turn it each time you finish a row. This one won’t work if you are working on DPN’s or circular needles. Actually it works just fine, it just won’t sit on your needle, you’ll have to keep it beside you. The other one sits beside me in it’s designated spot on the arm of my couch and offers a supportive and satisfying click.


These are stitch holders. Stitch holders are usually specified in the ingredients section of a pattern and they are used to hold stitches for a later use. This model is sort of a giant safety pin, you just slip the stitches on and squeeze it closed. Stitch holders are a lot easier than using a piece of waste yarn but they aren’t ideal in every stitch holding situation. For a mitten thumb, for example, I prefer to use a piece of waste yarn (simply weave it through the live stitches) because it’s more flexible. The stitch holders can make it more difficult to close the thumb gusset gap because you will have to stretch your stitches.


There are many types of cable needles and I’ve had the one pictured here for 11 years, it’s an old faithful. There are many like it but this one is mine. I am a firm believer in the ease of the cable needle. Others have tried to preach theĀ  no-cable-needle-needed method of cabling but I simply won’t have it! I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve gotten so fast at cabling with my needle or the fact that my first 2-3 attempts at a needle-less cable just looked a little wrong, but I just can’t seem to come over to the dark side! If you are looking for a cabling tutorial, check out the post here, or if your feeling a little adventurous you can check out a needle-less cable tutorial here. I’m sure Anina will disagree with me, she’s all about the needle-less cable….

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