  • For the Embroidering Knitter – Advent Day 7

Ok, I’m off on another non-knitting product today.

We have these super-adorable crewel kits from Wool & Hoop in (not up on the website yet, but you can call in if you’re interested). You can make cards, pillows, or just hooped designs. I’m working on one of them, and I would say that considering I have never done embroidery before, these qualify as excellent beginner kits. Just note, some of them do not come with hoops, but we have extra hoops to purchase alongside them.

It’s always a good idea to stretch your brain with something different once in a while!

Wool & Hoop China Blue No2 Crewel Kit

And your daily dose of inspiration is handknit christmas balls! I made this set last year…

Deer, Bell, Dovre, Frost

And I got totally outdone by this person! (photo snagged from polarbears on Ravelry))

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