Have you walked past our shop lately? You must come and check out our new window display for February, it is really cool. The Valentines day themed display was created by Kaitlyn Hansen-Boucher, she did an amazing job!! Here is a picture, but really you must come and have a closer look.
I thought that I would stick with the Valentines Day theme for this blog post as who doesn’t like to receive some warm and fuzzy? We all could use some love, pass it on- it spreads fast and makes the world a better place Why not celebrate by showing the people you love with a handmade gift? I pulled these ideas together for you, and don’t worry I know that it is next week but a lot of these ideas are super quick and easy knits (I am talking a couple of hours here, not even).
A homemade card:
Pattern: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/valentine-hearts-5
Knitted hearts:
Another version….with or without catnip (for your cat, silly):
Mug or cup cozy:
Knitted heart ring:
And I had to include this one, hilarious!
Unfortunately the patterns looks like it is no longer available.
If that is not enough inspiration, here is a link to a long list of some more options:
Have fun and spread the love