Looking for something to do this weekend? You might want to drive out to Abbotsford for Fibres West where all sorts of knitterly things will be happening…
Or if you’re interested in the history of knitting, Canadian-style, you should plan on attending Tom Graff’s Mary Maxim lecture on Sunday, March 29, 2:00 p.m. at Hycroft. Of course Mary Maxim sweaters were some of the most popular hand-knit garments in the 50’s and 60’s, decorated with Canadian icons like Canada geese, hockey players, leaping salmon and more. You’re even invited to bring your own kitschy sweaters and share your Mary Maxim stories. Should be interesting!
Almost forgot our special this week, it’s Araucania Quellon at 40% off the regular price. This is a beautiful hand-painted chenille type yarn that comes in some gorgeous, vibrant colourways. We’ve also culled from our bookshelves several titles to add to our sale bins. We need room on our shelves for all the new spring books that have been arriving lately.
At last count this week we’d unpacked seventeen ginormous boxes in Point Grey. And several more in Edgemont. Loads of new stuff is going out on the shelves. Best of the bunch might be Nova Naturgarn, a chunky lopi-style yarn with a fantastic range of colours. Great for felting, with 55 metres per 50 gram ball and only $4.95.