  • Flood-along complete!


It was another great time on Friday finishing up our Jared Flood/Brooklyn Tweed knit-a-long! (in case anyone is confused Jared Flood is a designer and he designs/blogs as Brooklyn Tweed). There were some lovely projects knit during the allotted KAL time and Anina and Michael brought some lovely Floodish projects already completed (or nearly so).


There were more Rock Island’s than anything else. I knit one myself! The pattern is intense with lace on both sides and an interesting construction. It was probably one of the most complicated things I’ve knit, although garments have their own measuring challenges. Iona, Marianella, and I all knit our Rock Island shawls in SweetGeorgia Merino Silk Lace. It’s just irresistible! (Colours are Slate, Riptide, and English Ivy)



There were 2 Terra shawls, one knit in Cascade 220 and one in Berocco Ultra Alpaca.





Ashley brought her beautiful Juneberry shawl. It’s also a tricky lace piece with lace on both sides and a different construction. Hers is a stunning blue in the Berocco Ultra Alpaca as well. (Ashley has an awesome blog, you can check it out here)



Anina brought her Umaro, a lovely thick blanket and Michael brought his Koolhaus hat and Grove mittens.


So now that the Flood-along is finished it’s time to KAL something new! This Friday we will be casting on for our Ysolda Teague KAL so pick your projects and yarn and join us either in person or on Ravelry!

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