We enjoy hanging out in our stores, helping fellow knitters find the perfect yarn for the perfect project. It’s the best job we’ve ever had.
And so inspiring! Every day we see beautiful and amazing knitted pieces that ooze creativity and a passion for the craft. This is one of the most stunning pieces we’ve seen lately:
Natalie creates her own Kaffe Fasset inspired masterpieces, chock a block full of colours, shapes and textures. This amazing piece of art was knit with Fleece Artist Goldilocks yarn that has sadly been discontinued. Incredibly gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, Natalie.
We also love hearing the appreciative comments that flow freely in our stores. It’s so rewarding to hear all the oohs and aahs as yarn is fondled and books are reviewed. That’s what keeps us going on days when there are too many cheques to be signed, mixed up shipments, squirrels in the storage cupboad (seriously!) and the multitude of other not-quite-so-nice parts of this business.
Not to brag or anything but we’ve heard some pretty nice comments lately. The lovely lady who writes the Under the Influence blog had this to say about us after a recent visit from Toronto:
“It’s a very well-kept store with substantial selection: comprehensive Fleece Artist and Noro selections, and Mission Falls & Cascade, Mirasol, Indigo Moon, Rowan, Blue Sky Alpacas, Alchemy, a little bit of just about everything else, and a sale section where you could do serious damage… I found Urban Yarns a memorable store not just because of their inventory but because of their comfortable store atmosphere and enthusiastic and professional staff. When I mentioned I was visiting from Toronto the owner gave me a very friendly tour of their store, showed me sale items and new additions to the inventory and showed off sample knits they’d just received in. They know where every piece of their stock is, and could tell me just how many skeins remained of any yarn I’d had my eye on… These ladies know their business and know their customers.”
And Valerie from New Jersey sent us this happy email after her visit this summer:
“Thanks for a great visit in your two yarn stores while I was there on vacation in Vancouver from New Jersey! You are truly my favourite yarn store now! Thanks for being so kind and welcoming to your store and your city. I really enjoyed myself.”
Well, I guess we are bragging a bit but you have to pat yourself on the back once in a while, don’t you?
Today we overheard one of the more quirky comments ever in Point Grey:
Customer to Nick: “Do you have any 3 ply acrylic?”
Nick to customer: “What are you planning to knit?”
Customer to Nick: “Oh no, it’s for flossing my teeth.”
True story.
Thanks to all of our loyal UY customers for your constant inspiration and appreciation. We couldn’t do it without you….