Posts Tagged ‘Ysolda Teague’


Friday, March 16th, 2012

The latest Vogue magazine is gracing our shelves and it is full of summer knits. It feels like it’s still pretty wintry outside but the latest Vogue gives me hope that summer is in fact coming. There is a lovely article on one of my faves in there too, Ysolda Teague. If you ever wanted to know about Ysolda’s journey to knitwear design, pick up this issue and find out!

Some of the intriguing patterns this season are the Lace Tank top and the Lace Triangle Shawl.


The Lace Tank is knit up in (as the name suggests) a lace weight yarn. Going lighter is a hallmark of summer knits and there are many good reasons for this. The obvious one being that lighter weight works well for warmer weather. A lovely side effect is that lighter yarn travels so well, with more knitting time per ounce.


The Lace Triangle Shawl is more of a summer evening item, knit in a worsted weight. There is something nice about lace in a heavier weight yarn, it really shows all the delicate details, just in a larger format. I’m being won over by Jared Flood, who has always advocated lace be knit in a bigger gauge!

Whimsical Little Knits 3

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

That’s right, one of our favorites, Ysolda Teague has a brand new book in the shop. Whimsical Little Knits 1 and 2 are really just that, some smaller scale knits all touched with Ysolda’s personal flair for detail and whimsy. Book number 3 has her same great flair for fashion and fun but I think it has an added sophistication as well.


Some of my faves from the book are her adorable button cap, Hendreary. This hat has my favorite things this spring: yellow, and buttons. Of course the yellow part is optional and the buttons are done in colourwork but you see what I mean! I will be knitting mine up in Blue Sky Alpacas Sport (or perhaps some Melange…)


Kynna (possibly one of Ysolda’s biggest fans) is knitting up a pair of Sherman socks in the lovely Madelinetosh Pashmina. She went with Glazed Pecan, which is no great surprise considering she seems permanently attached to her beautiful honey cowl in the same colour!


Whimsical Little Knits 3 is available on the shelves and there is an interesting little article in the latest Vogue Magazine featuring Ysolda as well so give it a read!

Vine Yoke Loveliness

Friday, October 21st, 2011


After another fun and successful KAL I have to share one of the most stunning sweaters I think I’ve ever seen! Marianela knit the Vine Yoke Cardigan by Ysolda Teague in Madelinetosh DK (colourway is Cousteau) and it came out absolutely perfect. The vine pattern in the yoke is such a pretty detail to a sideways knit garter pattern.


Not to mention she managed to make it fit like it was knit just for her (which I suppose it was but still, a feat to be accomplished). Ashley is also working her way through a Vine Yoke Cardigan and we can’t wait to see it on you!


PS. I don’t know why but I ALWAYS want to type yolk, instead of yoke. It’s an involuntary compulsion.

KAL Update

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011


Well folks I’m gonna need a lot of baby napping time this week to finish my KAL project for Friday!!! I’m just finishing up the yoke on my Blue Sky Alapcas Cotton Leisl in a lovely vintage-esque yellow. I’ve been a bit distracted lately with some baby shower knits but I’m still pretty determined to bring my finished Ysolda Teague sweater to Friday’s knit night.


Kynna, on the other hand, cast on last Saturday for a stunning Ysolda knit: the Rose Red Beret. Kynna is knitting this charming tam from Madelinetosh Merino DK in the colourway Tart. I couldn’t think of a better colour/pattern combination than that! There’s still time to cast on and cast off some of Ysolda’s smaller projects, perhaps a wee pair of Little Shoes? Or maybe a Snapdragon Tam? See you all Friday!


KAL Update and the Amazing Kynna

Friday, September 9th, 2011


Well, I’ve had more than a few weeks to get moving on my Ysolda Teague Knit Along project and I’m still only 20 rows in….this is a problem. It seems some motivation is in order so: Party time! The first Friday in October, (the 7th) will be our official Ysolda Teague KAL party day. There will be tea and cookies, photos, and most importantly: show and tell!


Kynna has already finished one of what seems to be an endless supply of Ysolda knits: her Ishbel. I’ve knit this pretty little shawl twice, both times using some Handmaiden Casbah, a soft and gorgeously coloured sock yarn. It’s rare to say, but I just might make yet another some time soon, the results were just that good. Kynna knit her pretty little Ishbel (which she has aptly named Woodland Nymph) out of Fleece Artist Merino 2/6 held doubled. Doubling the yarn makes for a thicker and slightly larger shawl.

Hope to see you all on the 7th!

Little Red is Here!

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011


I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it, Little Red in the City is here! Little Red is the latest book from Ysolda Teague and it is amazing. Not only does it have 7 fantastic sweater patterns in it, it also has a lot of great information about sweater knitting and fit. It’s crushing to knit a whole sweater and have it fit poorly, but Ysolda has some great tips on how to avoid this knitastrophe.



One of the other nice features of this book is the sizing. Many sweater patterns are for 1 or 2 sizes but these patterns go up to some larger sizes, a nice feature if you need it! The real question is which one to knit first! I’m loving all 7 really but I’m a sucker for a fair isle yoke and birdies so I think Chickadee has to be my fave.



Just a reminder that we are all working on an Ysolda Teague KAL (knit along) so if you are feeling bold cast on for one of these great sweaters for the finish late in September!

Party Time

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011


This Friday is the Jared Flood Knit Along party! Come one come all for some tea and cookies and Floodish goodness. I have been mentioning to people all week that I will be attending a Flood party on Friday and they seem to think I’m going to a party with short pants. Non-knitters may not be as familiar with Brooklyn Tweed’s body of work as we knitterly folk are…..


Since we are all theoretically casting off our BT/JF projects this week (I know a few of you aren’t done, the world won’t end, come party anyways) it must be time for the next KAL! I was chatting with Kynna last week and she said the next KAL just had to be her favorite: Ysolda.


The greatest thing about an Ysolda KAL is that there are so many different types of patterns to choose from. She has a lot of accessories if you are feeling like something small and very finishable or if you are feeling more ambitious she has some serious sweater patterns too. I’m thinking Coraline…..


The end date for the Ysolda knit has yet to be determined but it will most definitely be in the last couple of weeks of September, we are giving this one a nice long time for those who are knitting sweaters! Hope to see you Friday and we can all plot our next KAL knits!

This weeks special is:

Araucania Ranco

Solids 30% off was $14.95, now $10.96

Multis 30% off, $16.95, now $11.87


Tuesday, June 21st, 2011


Kynna has been at it again! She has really become one of the most prolific knitters I know (she’s giving you a run for your money Amanda) and this Gretel hat is just lovely. The pattern is Gretel by Ysolda Teague, published in Stitch and Bitch Superstar Knitting and the yarn is Rowan Kid Classic. The pretty cables work their way up this little number culminating in a charming snowflake decrease at the top. It’s a great tam for a summer evening stroll.


Brooklyn Tweed KAL update: I have 50 decreasing garter stitch rows left to go! It was great to see all of the different Rock Islands at knit night on Friday. By popular demand we will have to postpone the Flood party, so many vacations, and a whisper of desire for a few more weeks of knitting time. The new party date is: Friday July 8th 6-9pm. See you all there with your Floodrific accomplishments!

This weekend was an important one for the ladies at Urban Yarns, it was the annual Ride to Conquer Cancer. Anina and Jan work hard all year to make this ride happen for the Urban Yarns team and to help raise money to cure cancer. They host parties, make calls, and ride their buns off! Congrats on another successful year ladies!

Our sale yarn this week is Debbie Bliss Como – 30% Off. Was $9.95, now $6.97


GCC: Sock Yarn Possibilities

Thursday, July 8th, 2010


While I like to knit things in all different weights of yarn there is something so nice about sock yarn. Although it’s a triffle thin for some (28 stitches per 4 inches) it’s still thicker than lace, which means it goes a little faster. What I really like about sock yarn is that it so very versatile. I recently finished a couple of lovely socky projects.

The first is my charming little Ishbel by Isolde Teague made with 1 skein of the lovely Fleece Artist Casbah sock yarn. One skein of Casbah is 380 yards which is enough to make a pair of socks or a small shawl. It has a hint of Cashmere in it which makes it super soft and lovely to work with.


The second project is a wee one, some little shoes. These ones are Saartje’s Baby Booties, a popular free Ravelry pattern. They knit up in no time and look super cute! They are also an excellent reason to use adorable buttons. Each bootie gets 2 little buttons to fasten the straps. Unfortunately Nat’s little feet were on the move for this picture!


There are many great benefits to sock yarn and here are just a few:

1. You can add so much detail to all things Fair Isle because you have more stitches to work with, which is great.

2. 1 skein makes a whole project. I love it when this happens but it does make sock yarn dangerously easy to stash….The other benefit to the one skein project is low colour comittment. When considering yarn for a sweater you have to think about what colours the person who will wear the sweater likes, the pattern involoved, etc. With a one skein sock yarn project you can really just go nuts.

3. If you hold a sock yarn doubled you get a 20 stitch gauge, which is pretty close to a DK weight, and also good for lots of things.

4. Sock yarn comes in all kinds of crazy colour combinations but also some lovely subtle hand dyes. There are a lot of small Independant Dyers that do some really funky things with sock yarn, more so than other weights.

5. Socks are a lot of fun, give ‘em a try if you haven’t already!
